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Luke Jones & George Gingell Discuss Architecture, History and Culture

Design • Updated 3 years ago


Episodic Podcast • For everybody

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Luke Jones & George Gingell Discuss Architecture, History and Culture

01 – 'The English House' by Hermann Muthesius – A German Spy in the Inglenook

The first episode of a new podcast!

Luke and George read Hermann Muthesius's early 20th c. epic 'The English House'.

The first episode of a new podcast!

Luke and George read Hermann Muthesius's early 20th c. epic 'The English House'.

Learn about the English, their famed love of nature, damp, draughty buildings and burnt meat. Discover how these strange proclivities shape the homes they build and inhabit. With digressions on inglenooks, William Morris, and how to become 'safe for the drawing room'.

The edition we read was this one: Hermann Muthesius, Dennis Sharp (ed) ‘The English House’ (Rizzoli, 1979) https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=0CdUAAAAMAAJ&dq=editions:ISBN0847802191

Music: Ukrainska Orchestra Pawla Humeniuka ‘Kozak-Trepak’ From the Free Music Archive at freemusicarchive.org

Look at images of the projects on our Google+ page: https://plus.google.com/u/0/104384327113725304822

A podcast about architecture, buildings and cities, from the distant past to the present day. Plus detours into technology, film, fiction, comics, drawings, and the dimly imagined future.

With Luke Jones and George Gingell.
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