About Buildings + Cities

Luke Jones & George Gingell Discuss Architecture, History and Culture

Design • Updated 3 years ago


Episodic Podcast • For everybody

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Luke Jones & George Gingell Discuss Architecture, History and Culture

Bonus Unlocked — 44.5 — Italian Architecture Under Fascism

We're a bit late with the first episode of the new year, so I'm releasing our bonus conversation on Italian fascist a

We're a bit late with the first episode of the new year, so I'm releasing our bonus conversation on Italian fascist architecture to tide you over until then. If you want more material like this, there's a link to the Patreon below.

We talk about the architecture of the Italian fascist period. Some of it is pretty good, unfortunately. Some of it is very weird indeed.

We cover a lot ground, including — Gino Coppedè, Giovanni Muzio, Antoni Sant’Elia, Mario Chiattone, Giuseppe Terragni , Fortunato Depero, Marcello Piacentini, Armando Brasini and more.

Music is Ottorino Respighi — Serenata per piccola orchestra

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A podcast about architecture, buildings and cities, from the distant past to the present day. Plus detours into technology, film, fiction, comics, drawings, and the dimly imagined future.

With Luke Jones and George Gingell.
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